If you do not find your preferred time or date available, please contact reservations on 0203 146 8666 or click here to email the reservations team

Private Dining
HIDE offers multiple private dining spaces as well as exclusive hire.
The Broken Room, The Shadow Room & The Reading Room are all located in subterranean vaults in The Bar Below. The rooms seat between two and eight guests, perfect for smaller gatherings.
The Hide & Seek Rooms on the first floor offer a private dining experience individually for 12 guests, or combined for up to 24 guests.
The mezzanine level offers panoramic views of Green Park and is available for semi exclusive or exclusive hire.
A variety of private dining menu options are avaialble, which can be tailored to suit individual requirements.
We are currently making improvements to our website, for all private dining enquiries please email
reservations@hide.co.uk and the events team will respond to you as soon as possible.