If you do not find your preferred time or date available, please contact reservations on 0203 146 8666 or click here to email the reservations team
Wine List
At Hide, our sommelier team has compiled a concise by-the-glass selection which represents some of the most exciting wines from all over the world. You will also have the possibility to digitally browse through the endless range of bottles from Hedonism Wines which are available for delivery to your table within 15 minutes. With some wines dating back to the 18th century, a door to the past opens, taking you on a unique journey.
There you will find a selection of highly regarded wineries producing some of the world's most iconic wines, as well as some hidden and as yet undiscovered garage properties, from the most recent to the oldest of vintages.
Pre-ordering of wines when booking a table is not only recommended but encouraged. Our Sommelier team is delighted to offer you advice and guidance throughout the selection process in order to make your experience a memorable one. To pre-order wines, or to receive guidance from our sommelier team, please click here
Be it a half bottle, or a Nebuchadnezzar, our expert team will ensure that by the time the wine reaches your table, it is in the ideal condition for you to enjoy.
Did you know that Hedonism Wines also buys fine wine & whisky?
Whether you have a single rare bottle you'd like to sell or a large collection, a few cases in bond or hundreds of bottles in a home cellar, they would be delighted to hear from you. The buying team will undertake market analysis and look at auction data to ensure they can offer you the best price. Click here for more information.